Research Activities[OLD]
Institute of Computer Science as an independent unit of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Technology was established on 1 September 2000. Initially it was part of the Institute of Physics and Computer Science (as the Department of Computer Science – KMK).
The scientific research of Institute of Computer Science
is conducted within five Departments.
Department of Computer Physics
and Quantum Informatics
Head of the Department: Jacek Migdałek (PhD,DSc)
phone: (+48 12) 662 78 47
www: –
phone: (+48 12) 662 78 47
www: –
- Numerical calculations of the structure of energy levels in multi-electron atoms
- Analytical solution of Schrödinger equation
- Geometric aspects of quantum mechanics
- “Dirac-Fock + core polarization” in calculations for the isoelectron franch series
- Nonlinear partial differential equations in physics, solitons, integrable systems, classical and quantum field theory
- Mathematical logic and foundations of mathematics (proof theory, problem of relevance)
Department of Mathematical Modelling
and Simulation
Head of the Department: Professor Władimir Mitiuszew (PhD,DSc)
phone: (+48 12) 662 78 64
www:, research papers, scientific books,
Student’s projects for Foundations of Mathematical Models
phone: (+48 12) 662 78 64
www:, research papers, scientific books,
Student’s projects for Foundations of Mathematical Models
Scientific study related to applied mathematics and computer sciences:
- Computer simulations in mechanics of composites and porous media
- Symbolic and numerical computations in engineering
- Industrial mathematics
- Theoretical foundations of mathematical models and applications
Department of Educational Research
and New Media
Head of the Department: Dr Anna Stolińska (PhD)
phone: (+48 12) 662 78 61
www: –
phone: (+48 12) 662 78 61
www: –
In the Department of Educational Research and New Media are conducted interdisciplinary research in the field of community informatics (CI) – community networking, community technology. .
The main areas of research in the Department are
- Neurodidactics, cognitive aspects of teaching and learning
- Methodology of eye tracking technique in educational research
- Eye tracking in the diagnosis of visual competence and in the design and analysis of human-computer interaction (HCI)
- Teaching in learning cloud – a dynamic, online learning environment
- Reception of real and virtual world by the child
- Study the effectiveness of computer games as a tools of supporting the development
- Determining the suitability of different methods of data preparation in the process of discovering web user’s behaviour patterns
- Web structure, web usage, and web content mining methods for new techniques of knowledge discovery on the web
Departament of Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition
Head of the Department: Dr Tomasz Hachaj (PhD,DSc, Eng)
phone: (+48 12) 662 78 66
www: –
phone: (+48 12) 662 78 66
www: –
- Processing and analysis of multidimensional signals including IMU sensors, images, video, biometrics and medical data
- Analysis and modelling of social media phenomena
- Application of pattern recognition methods
- Data visualization