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Deep Learning Exotic Hadrons

Seminarium Katedry Fizyki Komputerowej i Informatyki Kwantowej odbędzie się zdalnie (platforma Zoom) w najbliższą środę.

termin: środa 26 stycznia 2022 r.

prelegent: Lawrence Ng, PhD Research Assistant, Florida State University

temat: Deep Learning Exotic Hadrons

Streszczenie: Pentaquark candidates have been seen by LHCb in the J/ψ p spectrum. One such candidate is the narrow Pc(4312) state whose lineshape might be due to the opening of the ΣcD0 threshold approximately 5 MeV higher. A recent analysis by the Joint Physics Analysis Center, JPAC, has suggested that the Pc(4312) is likely to be a virtual state. The amplitudes developed in the JPAC analysis are used to generate the mass spectrum that is used to train an artificial neural network, ANN, to classify the nature of the Pc(4312) peak. Resolution and noise is also taken into consideration. ANNs are typically seen as black boxes but their inner workings can be understood by calculating the game theoretically optimal Shapley values. The details and performance of the ANN will be presented.

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